The primary purpose of the Forum is to enable members to engage with World Vision Sri Lanka (as the backbone organization) other relevant institutions and stakeholders and with each other in order to enable adoption of best practices and achievement of coordinated outcomes for minor tank development, initially in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.
Q&A for Member Sign Up and Member Engagement
i) What am I agreeing to when I agree to be bound by the Water Resources Leaders Forum Memorandum of Understanding (WRLF-MOU)?
By clicking “agree” members of the WRLF agree to support and adopt the objectives, purposes methods, procedures and guidelines developed by the WRLF in the interest of achieving a coordinated approach to development and management of projects for water resources, initially in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. The MOU can be viewed on the member sign up page.
ii What are the benefits of signing on to the WRLF as a member?
The forum is intended to provide a vehicle for project proponents and stakeholders with interest in water resources development to:
Discuss ideas respecting minor tank development having regard to area requirements and possible linkages to medium tanks, large tanks and mega projects;
Comment on how the coordination, efficiency, effectiveness of minor tank development and upgrade work may be enhanced and improved to meet the needs of the residential, agricultural, fisheries and industrial sectors
Connect with members and organizations that could facilitate and assist with:
o Area Planning
o Project Funding
o Project Design
o Project Management
o Technology
o Sourcing of Equipment and Services
Put forward new project proposals (minor tanks) identifying gaps or barriers that the WRLF could help bridge by connecting with relevant persons or organizations
iii) How do I connect with the WRLF Governance Committee and Other members?
You are required to complete the Forum Engagement Form on the Discussion Forum page and you will then be prompted to join the discussion groups
iv) How do I submit a project proposal for review, advice and assistance by World Vision?
If you have a specific project proposal to put forward for review, advice or, if you require assistance in addressing specific barriers to efficient project development please complete the questionnaire under the relevant category (Rural Projects or Urban Projects) and submit to World Vision. Each project would be assigned a unique project number and World vision would monitor progress of the project by means of a dashboard.
v) What are the different membership categories?
The membership categories are as follows:
Project Developers
Educational Institutions
Farmers Organizations
Governmental Entities
Interested Parties-Individuals And Organizations
Vendors of Equipment and Services